Terms of Use

These terms of use (the “Terms of Use”) govern your use of our website www.Qwik Foods.com (the “Website”) and our “Qwik Foods” application for mobile and handheld devices (the “App”). The Website along with sub domains and the App are jointly referred to as the “Platform”. Please read these Terms of Use carefully before you use the services. If you do not agree to these Terms of Use, you may not use the services on the Platform, and we request you to uninstall the App. By installing, downloading or even merely using the Platform, you shall be contracting with Qwik Foods and you signify your acceptance to the Terms of Use and other Qwik Foods policies (including but not limited to the Cancellation & Refund Policy, Privacy Policy, Cookies Policy) as posted on the Platform from time to time, which takes effect on the date on which you download, install or use the Services, and create a legally binding arrangement to abide by the same.

  1. 1.   Qwik Foods is engaged in the business of buying & delivering the Munchies and allow buyers (“Buyer/s”) to browse various goods or services ("Products") offered for sale (“Services”). The Buyers can choose and place orders (“Orders”) from variety of Products listed and offered for sale on the Platform and Qwik Foods enables delivery of such Orders at select localities of Mumbai (“Delivery Services”).

  2. 2.   Qwik Foods does not grow or manufacture its own goods. It only buys the listed products directly from farmers or from respective suppliers

  3. 3.   The order placed before 5 pm will be delivered next day, order placed after 5 pm will be delivered the day after tomorrow

  4. 4.   Order once placed cannot be cancelled

  5. 5.   Products which we deliver are subject to spoilage. We are not responsible for the shelf-life of the products and we do not give any guarantee of the products. We recommend that you consume products accordingly. Certain products like vegetables, fruits need to be consumed within 1-2 days of delivery or in accordance with the instructions or specifications of the Manufacturers, producers, Vendors made available on the package, if any.

  6. 6.   Certain products munchies need to be stored in the refrigerator at a particular temperature levels. We recommend that you store the same accordingly.

  7. 7.   Qwik Foods is only a retailer procuring products from Manufacturers, Producers/Vendors. In case of complaints from the Buyer pertaining to efficacy, quality, or any other such issues, user can notify the same to Qwik Foods and concerned Manufacturers, Producers/Vendors shall be liable for redressing Buyer complaints. In the event you raise any, we shall assist you to the best of our abilities by providing relevant information to you, such as details of the Manufacturers, Producers/Vendors and the specific Order to which the complaint relates, to enable satisfactory resolution of the complaint.